The Fight for the Future

Introducing "Campus Frontlines," a substack dedicated to uncovering and exposing liberal bias on college and university campuses. Our mission is to provide a platform for students, professors, and researchers who are concerned about the erosion of free speech and open inquiry in higher education.

As the political climate becomes increasingly polarized, it's important to ensure that our institutions of higher learning remain neutral and inclusive spaces for all students. Unfortunately, many universities have become ideological echo chambers, where dissenting opinions are silenced and alternative viewpoints are dismissed.

Through in-depth reporting and analysis, Campus Frontlines will investigate instances of bias in academic departments, student organizations, and campus events. We will also provide resources for students and faculty to navigate the complexities of free speech on campus and promote a culture of intellectual diversity.

Our team of writers and researchers are committed to unbiased reporting and are not affiliated with any political party or ideology. We believe that every student deserves an education that encourages critical thinking and open-mindedness, and we are dedicated to holding universities accountable for their actions.

Subscribe to Campus Frontlines for regular updates on the latest instances of bias in higher education and join us in the fight for a more intellectually diverse campus environment.

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Subscribe to Campus Watchdog

Campus Watchdog is a publication that aims to uncover and expose instances of liberal bias in academia.


College Conservative Activist, Host of the Let Freedom Ring Podcast, Fighting for a bold, conservative future.
Christian. Conservative. CEO of The Informed Youth of America